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everybody loves the bathtub picture...
tagged by puffy...Reveal six weird facts/things/habits about yourself...1. I still have flannel sheets on my bed.2. In kindergarten, my IQ was 156.3. I lock the baby in the car when I pump gas.4. I wanted to be a pediatrician when I grew up.5. I don't like pets.6. I make lists for everything.
so alex, J, and I drove 6 hours sunday morning to be at my parents' for a palm sunday gathering. my mom's aunt and uncle and cousins were there. the latter also had their kids in tow. a total of 5 between the 2 of was nice. everyone was good... their kids got so big! we inherited six bags of clothes and two bags of shoes since the youngest girl is almost 2 now (and they're not having any more children --> tubes tied). i sorted through the clothes and put most of them away in my mom's attic for later. everyone of course loved alex. i'm not sure if she's moved into a stage of being more awake, or if she was just in unfamiliar surrounding, but she barely slept while everyone was around. even after having slept all day in the car and being awake all evening, she had a pretty good night. she slept with us in the guest room bed. she didn't want my mom's pack n play (leftover from my younger sister), so we just let her sleep with us. she got up twice, which was normal, and went back to sleep right after each feeding.on the way back, yesterday (that's right... we drove down and spent one night. we left at noon to come home), she slept the entire way again. good baby. i mean we woke her up halfway each trip to change and feed her, but other than that, she just i want to live in the car. it seems to make babies sleep very well. so maybe i'll move out there each night so she will sleep the whole night.
today i had two interviews. one was for the city schools, which just interview everyone so they have a pool of people in the event they have to hire someone. bleh. the other is this weird charter school that is basically like public military school (navy). well, better than nothing, i guess. but still i'd rather work in the suburbs while i have a family. originally i wanted to teach urban kids because they need people who care. but now that i have a family i am being a little selfish because i fear they may need more than i can (or am willing) to give while having my own baby. but if i have to, i'll balance it all out. i'll just have to tow a baby around with me to all the functions... but that's a long way off, so i guess we needn't really worry about it just yet.i won't hear back about these positions until summer, so i'm just going to forget about today.but i will say this. i left the house at 7:30. alex ate at 6. come 10:30, i was dying. i should've brought the pump with me and used it in the bathroom. i had to bail at 11:00. my scheduled interviews were over, but i could have stuck around to get a 'standby' interview. yeah, if my oobies weren't going to burst, maybe. oh, well.