today, i feel things are going by fast.
perhaps it's because i only have about 6 weeks left (if i find a job) to spend with my favoritest baby.
sometimes i really hate breastfeeding. i thought i wouldn't do it again if i had another baby. but i've changed my mind back. i think she gets something more out of it that i can't really put into words. they say 'bonding,' but i'm going to call it comfort and trust, but even that doesn't adequately convey how connected i feel it has made us.
anyway, here are some pix:

will and alex hang out

alex and the daddy

alex with godfather-to-be, druncle noj

chillin out with the baby frog... in the vibrating chair she probably won't get out of until she's 30.

"mmm fruit and cereal... but it makes me so sleepy!"
that's all we have for now, but i think this weekend will bring a bunch more pix since we are having a party of sorts. check back monday for more pix! (i know how cute my baby is, so i'm trying to stay on top of this. besides, weltek needs good reason to have one of her own. lol)