Monday, March 27, 2006

easter bunny

i went to a crap mall that didn't have an easter bunny. then i called another crap mall that also did not have an easter bunny. finally, we drove out to the Big Mall to see the dammit easter bunny.

in line, i had to yell at some kid's parents because the kid was climbing up the side of alex's stroller and breathing all over her. what is wrong with people? keep your friggin snot-nosed kid away from my newborn.

anyway, enjoy the picture. we went through a lot to get it.


~Nutz said...

HI cq! I followed you here from MTW's link.

Alex is just adorable! is Will.

I hope the sleeping thing is getting better. Nutzgirl was horribly collicky when she was a baby, but these things do pass. Hang in there!

mm said...

Goodness! That rabbit is huge or Alex is tiny! Very cute picture!

mm said...

BTW, I also get annoyed with parents who don't have the common sense to control their kids.

Swami said...

Wow. They have giant Easter Bunnies in malls!?! Who knew? In a way, the bunny is scarier than Santa. It's a good thing Alex is asleep. (The picture is great, by the way. Even though Alex is so small compared to the ginormous bunny that I didn't even see her until I read MM's comment.)

The mother of clueless stroller climber no doubt thought of your child as an interesting experience for her toddler. People are weird like that. I used to freak out at all the adults who thought it was okay to kiss the hands of my newborn(s) to show their joy of meeting or something. Zheesh--why not just French kiss her? A babies hands go straight into their mouth all the time.

momma said...

She's so freaking cute. And your Easter Bunny doesn't look like the cracked out bunny at our "nearby" mall.

Puffy said...

Love the picture! Teeny tiny Alex and GREAT BIG EASTER BUNNY! Just great!

Syren said...

She is just gorgeous. I love coming here and seeing new pictures.

Puffy said...

I'd like to know if other kids, older kids, were afraid of that monstrous Easter bunny.

Seana said...

This trend towards mall Easter bunnies freaks me out.

The cuteness of the baby makes up for that, though.

mtw said...

LOL. I think the bunny looks very skerry too!

I wouldn't take Alex there next year. She'll end up with some kind of weird aversion to bunnies or characters, or giants, or something.

I wonder if that bunny is Bigfoot in a costume?

BlindSlim~CSTL said... cute.

Schnookie said...

Wow, that's some big bunny!

Alex is adorable cq! I don't know why I find it funny that you called around to all the malls looking for the easter bunny but I do. :-)