Tuesday, April 11, 2006

visiting the family via car

so alex, J, and I drove 6 hours sunday morning to be at my parents' for a palm sunday gathering. my mom's aunt and uncle and cousins were there. the latter also had their kids in tow. a total of 5 between the 2 of them.

it was nice. everyone was good... their kids got so big! we inherited six bags of clothes and two bags of shoes since the youngest girl is almost 2 now (and they're not having any more children --> tubes tied). i sorted through the clothes and put most of them away in my mom's attic for later.

everyone of course loved alex. i'm not sure if she's moved into a stage of being more awake, or if she was just in unfamiliar surrounding, but she barely slept while everyone was around.

even after having slept all day in the car and being awake all evening, she had a pretty good night. she slept with us in the guest room bed. she didn't want my mom's pack n play (leftover from my younger sister), so we just let her sleep with us. she got up twice, which was normal, and went back to sleep right after each feeding.

on the way back, yesterday (that's right... we drove down and spent one night. we left at noon to come home), she slept the entire way again. good baby.

i mean we woke her up halfway each trip to change and feed her, but other than that, she just slept.

now i want to live in the car. it seems to make babies sleep very well. so maybe i'll move out there each night so she will sleep the whole night.


Puffy said...

There's many a mother who has gone for a drive with a crying baby, for the sole purpose of getting the baby to stop crying. I'm glad you had a good Palm Sunday with the family. Hand-me-downs are the greatest!

kim (weltek) said...

But you can't be on the net in the car. That poses a problem for us.

cq said...

ahh but i can! laptop and wireless router. it will totally work!

Swami said...

Hand-me-down baby clothes are such a budget saver! I'm glad you had a nice visit with the family.

When I had 2 kids under two years of age, naptime often involved a little drive - otherwise they would never both sleep at the same time. I would drive until both were asleep, then pull into a mall or park and read a book until one started to wake up. Then I'd drive home again. Usually the waking one would fall back asleep. I would read in the driveway until the next one woke up, then take them both into the house.

Aislinn Sirk said...

The car was how my parents put me me to sleep. It worked pretty much every time. Sometimes, they didn't even need to leave the driveway.

Even now, I fall asleep in cars.

Usually not when I'm driving.

Zombs said...

Problem with the car now that my kids are a little older is that it still puts them to sleep! This is not good when I am trying to get them home for a nap or bedtime. Once home they wake up and are ready to start again. Can totally kill a nap time. \

Nap time=my saving grace.

Swami said...

My oldest, who I never had to drive around for naptime falls asleep in all vehicles at once. The other two (who I did drive for naps) rarely sleep in the car. Go figure.

mm said...

I had two vibrating little carriers, and it worked just like the car. I loved it! When they were newborns, that's where they slept at night. It kept them off their tummy too. :)

Glad you had a good time!

Zombs said...

MM<---still uses the vibrating carriers. Mommy's time!

BlindSlim~CSTL said...

lol..at wanting to live in the car, when Shawn and Donnie were younger, anytime I wanted to put them to sleep, I knew I could just strap them in their carseat and drive around the block a time or two and they'd be out. Aren't cars wonderful.

~Nutz said...

When Nutzgirl was a baby, the car was a great way to get her to sleep. The problem was, as soon as we parked, she'd wake up an not go back to sleep!

Sometimes, I'd drive around and listen to the radio for an hour or take the long was to where I was going, just to allow her a decent nap.

LOL @ moving into the car at night!

Puffy said...

cq-i tagged you on my blog...go check it out!