Friday, May 05, 2006


not me. alex. i worked thursday night (i was gone a total of 4 hours. i subbed a 3-hour SAT class.) and alex basically starved herself until she couldn't stand it any more, and then =finally= caved in to the bottle.

so J says we should alternate breast and bottle because she was so bad at taking the bottle. (weird... about a month ago I left her with a bottle for even longer and she was absolutely fine)

so i'm sitting down to the hockey game. she is getting fussy and probably hungry. i make her a bottle.

she *hates* it.

she gagged on it and spit it out for half an hour before I finally gave up and just nursed her.

HOW am I supposed to believe this kid is ever going to be ready to go to daycare all day in another three months?

and now, back to watching the highlights of that sweet ass sabres win. wow.


Puffy said...

Just one comment. Sometimes babies won't take a bottle from their Mom because they know the breast is right there. They might take it easier from someone other than Mom. I know she didn't want the bottle today from Dad, but he or someone else should try the bottle on her, not you. You're the milk machine.

Aislinn Sirk said...

I hear it helps if you add whisky to the bottle.

Swami said...

What Puffy said. Babies don't like a bottle from mommy because they know you're holding back the good stuff!

Now that your milk is established, you could have the hubbie give her just an ounce or two from a bottle before your last night-time feeding. She may sleep longer too, with an extra full tummy.

Coco said...

You may have to leave the room. Or the house. Or the state.

As sad as this is, it is 100% normal. We are going through the same thing with Philippe, now that I have decided to go to the gym three days a week. Just keep plugging and make your husband do it.

kim (weltek) said...

Ok, these stories support my reasoning for me not having children. I have no patience, I could not handle this stress!

More baby pics! THAT makes me consider having children!

~Nutz said...

I'll just echo the smart peeps above me. I've been there! It's tough at first, but she'll come around. Another thing is to stay consistant. Make sure she has the bottle every day, so she gets used to it in her routine.
