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today, i am totally hating on breastfeeding.bad idea. never should've done it.the benefits can't possibly outweigh the bad.alex won't take a bottle at all. and my current plan (plan b) is to just let her scream her head off all day when she goes to daycare in september. not my problem. i don't have to listen to it. i just have to suffer all night long as she makes up for lost time during the days. whatever. sounds easier than plan a, which was to try easing her into a bottle. i feel like breastfeeding was a big huge idiotic mistake. i wasn't breastfed. nobody i know was breastfed, in fact, and they're all fine. what's the point of this? all it has done so far is put tons and tons of the responsibility on my shoulders. responsibility to eat right, keep not smoking, not drink alcohol, etc. responsibility to get up with her at night the first three months. responsibility to be the one she looks for whever she's hungry (which feels like it's a million times a day).sure, it's convenient. no need to carry anything with us. i usually throw a diaper in my purse and that's about it. but come ON. this isn't fair.and now that we've already ruined it (she *used* to take a bottle when she was 2 months, and now just refuses), it's too late. i'm stuck breastfeeding because she won't eat otherwise. and we have no plan because i absolutely MUST work come september. i can't just stay home with her or else i would. and i wouldn't even care about this breastfeeding issue.i get no help, here, either. J's ridiculous excuse for not giving her a bottle up until now was that he just wanted to hold her, not hold her for a *purpose*. now his excuse is that she won't ever need a bottle during the day, and that's the only time he's home to do it. whatever. she won't take it from me, and he's no help, so any future kids are very likely just not going to be breastfed at all. i can't do *everything* all by myself.
The best good big brother holds his sister for the first time. We all went to the zoo earlier that day, 3 adults, two children. It was very nice to be in the same place at the same time, but also to get along and act like friends. What a day! Will wanted to show Alex all of the animals, but she mostly slept. Her first trip to the zoo and she didn't see a single animal! But we had fun, and Will is going to start spending the night next week! Alex adores Will... gets all excited and kicks when he talks to her... and Will loves babies. He's been asking his mom if they can have a baby at their house, too. LOL!
Alex asleep Memorial Day weekend at a BBQ by the Erie Canal. Yup, she rocks. This picture was posted specifically with the intent to feed weltek's "maybe I do want one" inner child. {eg}