The best good big brother holds his sister for the first time. We all went to the zoo earlier that day, 3 adults, two children. It was very nice to be in the same place at the same time, but also to get along and act like friends. What a day! Will wanted to show Alex all of the animals, but she mostly slept. Her first trip to the zoo and she didn't see a single animal! But we had fun, and Will is going to start spending the night next week! Alex adores Will... gets all excited and kicks when he talks to her... and Will loves babies. He's been asking his mom if they can have a baby at their house, too. LOL!

Alex asleep Memorial Day weekend at a BBQ by the Erie Canal. Yup, she rocks. This picture was posted specifically with the intent to feed weltek's "maybe I do want one" inner child. {eg}
Beautiful kids, cq. I think Alex wants to borrow Will's hair product so she can be stylin' too. Will looks kinda like Aras in the pic.
Uber, uber cute. Glad to see things are going so well. *smooch*
*Grumble grumble*
I don't like waiting 2 1/2 weeks for more Alex pictures. How about posting them every week? *grin*
How cute they are! ...and how nice that you can all do things together.
How cute that Will wants a baby. Maybe you can lend them Alex when you need a night out.
What a great picture of the two of them! They are so beautiful.
I love Alex's little pouty mouth when she sleeps. She looks like she's pretty chubbed up now, eh?
Please do not attempt to feed weltek's inner child any more than you have to, because I think it has the side effect of making the Iggy inner child think "I want one of those" which is bad.
Aww, so cute!
You're killing me with this cuteness! That's awesome you were all able to hang out.
Babies, babies, babies. Sigh. Maybe I WILL have one. Maybe.
I love her hat!
How cute all in pink! So nice to do things as a family isn't it?
I hadn't been able to see the pics until today. Beautiful kids. *waves* hi to mom and dad.
Awwww, too bad she didn't stay awake. It's not really a trip to the zoo unless you see an animal pooping.
So very cute! I love her hair. I had the exact same hair when I was born. :-)
Ack! I don't want more kids, damnit. I shouldn't be staring at these adorable children!
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