Thursday, September 20, 2007

pix per puffy pleading

nice alliteration. yes.

anyway, here they are... alex and james, james and alex. sorry, no will pix... maybe this weekend when he comes again.

1 - big sister alex

2 - little brother james

3 - awww

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

the mother of all updates

well, i was traipsing around the internet as i tend to do sometimes (rarely of late because of the babes, though), and i found this guy's blog by searching for an old roommate of mine that i wasn't even particularly close with. so that tells you the level of distraction i'm going for here. completing the most abstract and random tasks, like finding every person i've ever known and seeing what they're up to now, probably means i have other things on my mind. oh, well.

anyway, i found this guy's blog and he said something about "white time" being, basically, a tendency to show up on a previously agreed-upon or stated time. and that "non-white time" was showing up not on time, often an hour or more late.

so then i commented on his blog about how i didn't understand where that phrase came from. (i tried to look it up, but came up with nothing. but that isn't the point right now, anyway.) then i realized he might go look at my blog in return, and further realized it hasn't been updated since forever.

so, for those out there that check in once in a while, and for mr. "white time," should you happen to show up, here is a brief synopsis of what i have done in the last month:

~ played with alex
~ squeezed out james
~ hung out with jarrod

now jarrod is back in school and i am home with the kids full time, until i return to work in november when the james is 3 months old.

oh, mr. "white time," i am a HS chemistry teacher, in case you were wondering.

what else... nothing else is very new. today is jarrod's birthday... i got him an autographed picture of joe montana. he liked it. and he had his birthday dinner. and now i'm up waiting for the next time the baby gets up (about 45 min from now) because i couldn't sleep 2.25 hrs ago when i put him down.

i might try to pop in here more often... i feel better and i haven't even said anything yet... watch this space...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

more pix

i wish i had a pic of the sonogram clearly indicating it was a boy. it's very hard to believe they can actually see that level of detail. anyway, i don't have one. so here are a couple of alex pix. i was too lazy to connect the scanner, hence the glare of the camera flash on the easter bunny pic. she wasn't happy about him, but she still managed to take a halfway decent picture. (i had to hide her from the girl in front of us who was wailing and screaming in horror at the easter bunny.)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

long time...

okay it's been a while.

i started a teaching job and i can't access any fun websites because of the filtering software.

but here is a pic of alex at her 1st bday party (pigtails). (2/18/07)

here is a pic of her about a month later (hair down).

Friday, January 19, 2007

don't tell your mom anything

my advice to the lot of you is never tell your mom anything. at least, not if she's anything like my mom. which means she's a professional nay-sayer. this woman never has anything nice to say. she never practices what she preaches, either, but that's enough cliches. let's talk about her barrage of negativity questions earlier this week that prompted me to say "well, you're being so very negative right now that i'd just rather not even talk to you. so i'm going to go." to which she responded a very mature "FINE, then!" and we hung up on each other.

i don't understand why she can't ever be happy for me. she always has to say "but, what about this?" "but, what about THAT?" and this was in relation to the JOB news.

i am an adult. i make my own decisions. and i think i'm making the decision to never tell my mom anything any more.

especially because she took "i'm telling YOU now because it's too soon to tell people, but i wanted you to know," to mean "go tell everyone you know." (obviously this part was related to the baby.)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

eating everything

okay i'm not really eating everything but i probably would if i had more laying around. today i was going to be so good. i mean, just because i'm pregnant doesn't mean i can eat everything i want. (trust me, i did that last time and i'm still paying for it).

so today for breakfast i had a bowl of cereal. for snack, 4 slices of provolone. for lunch a salad with homemade imitation japanese hibachi restaurant dressing (yum!), and a snack size animal crackers.

i just ate a snack size teddy grahams. now i'm eating peanut butter out of the jar with my fingers for lack of utensils or other peanut butter vehicle.

i need to invest in more snacks.

and? i can't wait until march so i can have shamrock shakes. that is bad news.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

i got a big-girl job!

FINALLY! i am a teacher! a real, official teacher! i am going to be teaching chemistry and forensics. i am so very excited! it starts 01/22! and we are moving. lots of changes now with this news and the baby... and i have a 1st birthday to plan that is only about a month away. since we call her 'tink' i'm going to go with a tinkerbell theme (so original).

here is a picture of my little girl, soon to be "big sister tink" with my sister, her aunt (and godmother) jen. i'd give a diff pic but i don't have anything non-xmas. and i'm done with xmas.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


it's been a while, so i figured i'd reward anyone who came over here with a bit of info... the question/gossip are: when is it okay to tell people you're pregnant?
