Thursday, January 04, 2007


it's been a while, so i figured i'd reward anyone who came over here with a bit of info... the question/gossip are: when is it okay to tell people you're pregnant?



mtw said...

If it's you? You should come right out and tell your bloggy friends before you tell anyone else! Congrats! :)

cq said...

okay. it's me. you win. but it's so new... i calculate it's probably 7 weeks. haven't been to a doctor yet, but i know. so figure on another baby cq around aug-sept.

~Nutz said...

Congrats, cq!!!

I would wait to tell real peeps until you go to the doc and make sure everything is A-OK.

Swami said...

Congrats, cq! Nice to see you back. I've been checking in every week or so, just in case, and today it payed off. Alex will love to have a sibling but you will not get much sleep for a few years!

With my first I told everyone right away and it was great. Then my second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage the day after I told everyone. It was very awkward then for about a week as people came up to congratulate me and I had to tell them I wasn't pregnant anymore. I waited until three months before telling "the world" for my next two pregnancies because after 12 weeks miscarriages are quite rare. I think waiting a bit is good, at least for RL people.

Puffy said...

*Squeal* Happy! Happy!

Anonymous said...

*waque* I knew it! I knew it!
You didn't answer my PM.
Glad to see your Nucks are doing well too. *smooch*

Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

Yippee! Congrats cq!

Coco said...


Congrats to you, both on your job and the new baby!

Emily RugBurn said...

Congratulations, cq! Such wonderful news! And, speaking as an only child (or "lonely child", as I call it), I'm very glad Alex will have a sibling. Definitely something I wish I hadn't missed out on.

I'm with Swami on the 12 weeks thing. My best gf's 2 pregnancies ended around the 8-week mark (after telling both families and all their friends) and DH and I swore that if we were to ever get pregnant (after first deciding we wanted to be parents!), that we would wait until week 13. (But, I'm glad you told us!! Wee hoo!! SO happy for you!)

Aislinn Sirk said...
