last night, J and i went out for dinner. it was at the restaurant he works at. it was very nice. afterward, he wanted to get chicken little (which was not good, by the way) so we went to wal*mart. i agreed to it because i needed baby wipes and a printer, that's our shopping list. let's review:- chicken little DVD
- baby wipes
- printer cartridge
- power steering fluid (the car made that sound on the way into the parking lot, so this got tacked onto the list as we headed in the door)
all in all, this should have been a grand total of about $50.
$172 later, we walked out with the above things AND:
- comforter set for will's bed (solar system and the stars glow in the dark!)
- twin sheets that match above, since the bed-in-a-bag neglected sheets
- matching pillow for above, shaped like saturn (also glows in the dark)
- brer rabbit DVD for will's easter basket
- 3 picture frames (one for us, 1 for each set of alex's grandparents)
- windbreaker / waterproof jacket for cq (didn't need it, tried to talk J out of it, he insisted, i gave up)
i think that was everything... i can't believe how fast we spent money in that hellhole. i am placing a ban on shopping with the husband for quite a while. when we are shopping together, we are spending enablers. alone, we both feel solitary guilt about spending too much. together, we say things like 'but you deserve this,' or 'it's a really good deal,' or 'but will is going to love it!'
and if you didn't know, will is J's son. he is 2.5 and turns 3 in august. he is awesome. but i guess you want a picture...