baby had pinkeye (in both friggin eyes) last week but it's gone now. this is her 'after' picture. trust me, the before? you don't want to see.
just a quick update cuz life is a little crazy. and a baby pic, of course.
i also turn 28 on the 28th. mom and dad gave me an early gift, ipod nano, and i *heart* it.
Gobble, gobble
Awww! Poor baby. :( Pink eye is no fun at all. Glad she's better.
Yay! for early birfday presents! Nutzboy loves his Nano!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Do you know how long we've waited for an update and a new picture?
Happy Turkey Day! I hope Alex enjoyed her first Thanksgiving.
Happy Birthday, CQ!
Thanks for the Alex pic. I can't believe how fast she's growing up!
She's so cutie. Seriously, I check here every couple of days for updates.
*smooch* Glad things are going well. Happy Birthday, youngin. :P
Happy Belated B-day, cq! Hope you had a great day.
Adorable picture, btw! They always make me smile!
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