Thursday, January 11, 2007

eating everything

okay i'm not really eating everything but i probably would if i had more laying around. today i was going to be so good. i mean, just because i'm pregnant doesn't mean i can eat everything i want. (trust me, i did that last time and i'm still paying for it).

so today for breakfast i had a bowl of cereal. for snack, 4 slices of provolone. for lunch a salad with homemade imitation japanese hibachi restaurant dressing (yum!), and a snack size animal crackers.

i just ate a snack size teddy grahams. now i'm eating peanut butter out of the jar with my fingers for lack of utensils or other peanut butter vehicle.

i need to invest in more snacks.

and? i can't wait until march so i can have shamrock shakes. that is bad news.


Debcapsfan said...

What's a shamrock shake?

cq said...

oh my heck. a shamrock shake is a milkshake at mcdonald's in the month of march. it's mint-flavored. and it rocks.

Zombs said...

I haven't had one of those in ages. I did not think they still made them!

It was nuclear green too right?

Anyway Ialso want to say congratulations over here too! You are gonna be one tired and busy lady! Wanna change your screen name to zombiebaby2?

HistoryDetective said...

Mmmmm. Shamrock shakes...

kim (weltek) said...

*hands cq a chocolate bar* There, now you have a peanut butter scooping vehicle.

In related news, Nolay was curiously finishing off a plate of nachos at the bar on Sunday. He had a tiny corner of nacho and was using it to corral all the topping bits on the plate to heap onto the last big chip. He called it "the pusher" and was quite serious about it.