Sunday, April 15, 2007

more pix

i wish i had a pic of the sonogram clearly indicating it was a boy. it's very hard to believe they can actually see that level of detail. anyway, i don't have one. so here are a couple of alex pix. i was too lazy to connect the scanner, hence the glare of the camera flash on the easter bunny pic. she wasn't happy about him, but she still managed to take a halfway decent picture. (i had to hide her from the girl in front of us who was wailing and screaming in horror at the easter bunny.)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

long time...

okay it's been a while.

i started a teaching job and i can't access any fun websites because of the filtering software.

but here is a pic of alex at her 1st bday party (pigtails). (2/18/07)

here is a pic of her about a month later (hair down).