Thursday, November 13, 2008

lost? find the OT here!

just in case you wandered over here, and still can't find the OT, its temporary home is here:

RTVW boards

you're welcome!

Friday, October 10, 2008

CT gay marriage

I just want to quickly comment on CT passing gay marriage, and CA getting all excited about voting on Proposition 8 in a few weeks.

I cannot believe in the United States of America that we can put forth a VOTE as to whether or not to discriminate against certain people.

Maybe we should have a vote over whether women should drive next.

*fluffs up the lining of the handbasket*

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


sorry, i suck.

so here are some pix that don't suck.

alex in some bubble wrap and james just hanging out...

Friday, May 30, 2008

it's only been 8 months or so...

okay, long story short, i ended up here today, and realized it's been quite some time since i've updated. so, for the three of you who actually checked this thing on a regular basis and have long since given up on the cq, here's to hope. :)

kids. my kids are cool. doing great. alex is a very smart and beautiful little girl, very feisty at times, sometimes acts 20, sometimes just 2. but either way, i love her. and james is coming along... not crawling yet, a little lazy, but he's a good boy.

i am getting laid off from my job at the end of this school year, so i'm looking for a new job right now. it's very frustrating and discouraging, so i'm trying to stay happy. we are moving closer to buffalo to cut down on our 45 min each commutes, wasting gas but more importantly, valuable family time.

i cannot wait until summer vacation. this school year can't possibly end fast enough for me. i want to just spend some time with my kids. friggin will is going to start kindergarten in september... now i feel like i've been around too long. hahaha

so... that's all... squeezing in jarrod's family while we still live within a stone's throw to most of them. probably only about two months left of that before we move again.

jarrod's convinced it is all for the better, because for some reason, he feels like he has this uncanny luck. i don't see it and i'm married to him, so maybe he's just an eternal optimist and i am the yang. oh, well.

at any rate, everyone is healthy and relatively happy. unstable, nervous, but pretty happy.

so if by chance you swept away the cobwebs in the doorway and made it back here, let me know how/what YOU are doing.

(pix of the kids upon request)