Monday, June 19, 2006


today, i am totally hating on breastfeeding.

bad idea. never should've done it.

the benefits can't possibly outweigh the bad.

alex won't take a bottle at all. and my current plan (plan b) is to just let her scream her head off all day when she goes to daycare in september. not my problem. i don't have to listen to it. i just have to suffer all night long as she makes up for lost time during the days. whatever. sounds easier than plan a, which was to try easing her into a bottle.

i feel like breastfeeding was a big huge idiotic mistake. i wasn't breastfed. nobody i know was breastfed, in fact, and they're all fine. what's the point of this? all it has done so far is put tons and tons of the responsibility on my shoulders. responsibility to eat right, keep not smoking, not drink alcohol, etc. responsibility to get up with her at night the first three months. responsibility to be the one she looks for whever she's hungry (which feels like it's a million times a day).

sure, it's convenient. no need to carry anything with us. i usually throw a diaper in my purse and that's about it. but come ON. this isn't fair.

and now that we've already ruined it (she *used* to take a bottle when she was 2 months, and now just refuses), it's too late. i'm stuck breastfeeding because she won't eat otherwise. and we have no plan because i absolutely MUST work come september. i can't just stay home with her or else i would. and i wouldn't even care about this breastfeeding issue.

i get no help, here, either. J's ridiculous excuse for not giving her a bottle up until now was that he just wanted to hold her, not hold her for a *purpose*. now his excuse is that she won't ever need a bottle during the day, and that's the only time he's home to do it. whatever. she won't take it from me, and he's no help, so any future kids are very likely just not going to be breastfed at all. i can't do *everything* all by myself.


Puffy said...

*hugs* It's frustrating, isn't it? At least you saved some money by breastfeeding. Maybe the daycare women will know how to get her to take a bottle.

~Nutz said...

First of all, {{{hugs}}}

Also, *sigh*...

Been there, done that, was also miserable!

When Nutzgirl was born, I breastfed her. Heck my three sisters did it with their kids and it's what is supposed to be done, by nature, right? OMG! How miserable I was! Felt like the baby's own personal cow.

She was much like Alex, she wouldn't take a bottle, wouldn't really eat solid food much and was always hungry, so I was it for awhile. When I tried to get her to take a bottle, fugghedaboudit!

However, take heart in the fact that it will not last forever. I found that Nutzgirl would finally take juice from a sippy cup by about 6 months old. It was sometimes messy, but heck, she was having something else. I gave up trying to give her formula and never was good at pumping, and it did take time and patience, but she finally was having something besides the breastmilk. With that sippy cup, I was able to transition her to whole milk by about 10 months old.

During that time, at about 4-5 months old, she was starting to eat cereal and baby fruits and vegetables. Alex should be about 6 months old by September and if you try to start her with little bits of cereal or fruit at a time (best for little babies are; applesauce, bananas & butternut squash ~ easy on tha palate), like maybe a teaspoonful twice a day, she should be eating much more baby food by then. Not sure if all this will work for you, but still offering advice from someone who's been there.

FYI: Nutzboy was NOT breastfed 3 years later when he came along!

Syren said...

This is one of the many reasons why I choose not to breastfeed with syrenboy. With Cstyrenboy I do not want to breastfeed, and really probably won't.

I know its best for them, but for me, it's not best.


Zombs said...

Agree with Syren. I did not with my first two. It was best for me.

However, I am going to try with this one. Even if it is only for a few weeks.

I don't know much about it so you might want to talk to Coco as she is the expert here.

Have you tried other bottles with different nipples? My son was so particular about having the same bottle all the time. Cheap Gerber clear bottles. He would not even take the same bottle style slightly tinted.

They have that bottle that looks like a breast that might work.

Puffy said...

A bottle that looks like a breast?! I wonder how many men buy those...

Dave Clapper said...

There's so much change that takes place between 3 months and 6 months. Keep trying... I'd be willing to bet that by September, she'll be taking food in many ways other than the breast. My first was the same way. If we'd tried to get him to eat any way but breast milk, he'd have had none of it. By six months, though, he had a much more rounded diet. Based on Nutzie's, experience, our experience, and other similar, I think you'll be just fine. :)

Seana said...

May I suggest the Playtex bottles with the Y-cut nipples? They're like a one-way valve, so baby only gets milk when sucking, it doesn't just drip out. It's supposed to be more like a breast. Both my kids liked them when they stopped breastfeeding.

Lasann said...

I hated breast feeding also. I started on both kids but became too sore (gawd it hurt) and stopped around 4 or 5 weeks.

Lasann feels for ya!

BlindSlim~CSTL said...

I feel for you ladies having to go through all that. {{ hugs }} for mommy cq

kim (weltek) said...

Here we go, convincing me not to have babies again! :-)

As others have said, this won't last forever. Before you know it, this fiasco will be over. In the meantime *hugs*

Silvergirl said...

I was miserable for the first 6 weeks of breastfeeding, but after that it was easy. Breast milk was recommended for the first year in my case because of a physical problem DD had so I was determined to stick it out.

Anyway, *hugs*. It will get better as she develops. She's probably going through growth spurts when she's hungry all the time.

Her pictures are adorable!