Saturday, August 19, 2006

6 months!

wow... sometimes time goes by rather quickly.

we are up to 3 meals a day and down to nursing about 5 times a day.
we have some semblence of a schedule, too! we still sleep through the night (thank goodness), and we have mastered rolling around. sometimes we even get up on our hands and knees and rock back and forth.

we love elmo. he's so funny! and we still love stupid songs. our favorite: "cuz she loves stupid songs, and we sing stupid songs, she's a stupid-song-loving baby!" oh yeah, that's right.

enjoy the pix.


kim (weltek) said...

LOL at the stupid songs! She's so adorable.

Puffy said...

You sound happy. Thus: happy baby! I like her little hair clip, too.

HistoryDetective said...

Love the hair!!!

Debcapsfan said...

*tickles chin* I MUST get up to meet her sometime. What a cutie.

Swami said...

Man, does that kid have hair! One day, you will either go broke buying hair product for her or she will make you rich as a hair product model! Could go either way.

She looks like you, eh?

Seana said...

*snort* @ the stupid songs. Rocking back and forth on all fours is a great development! Go, Ales, go!