Thursday, March 30, 2006

6-week checkup

today i went in for my 6-week checkup. i lost 14 lbs! ten to go to pre-pregnancy weight... but who the hell is counting? i just want my "hot ass" jeans to fit again. so the doctor says "keep up the good work." hmm... my chef boyardee and strawberry milk diet seems to have worked well thus far.

anyway, we talked birth control. i'm thinking the IUD. J said we should use the spermicidal inserts but i don't trust us to actually use them. and obviously we are plenty fertile so i really don't want to take any chances. i'll talk to him about the IUD and see what he thinks. or maybe i should wait to see if insurance will cover it first... yeah, that would probably be smarter. don't want to get his hopes up for nothing.

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Swami said...
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