Friday, March 10, 2006

one good thing

okay, i found it...

the thing. well, one thing.

one thing that is super good is when she is all fed and getting cozy to sleep and nuzzles her face into my neck. it's freakin cute.

i don't know if it makes it *all* worth it, but it's cute enough to at least help a *little*.


mm said...


More will come.

Puffy said...

Wait til she smiles at you. And kicks her feet in excitement when she sees you.

And then screams when you leave the room.

Nevermind that last sentence.

Glowie said...

awww. *hug* I don't have any kids so I can't really relate. But I lived with my sister when she had her second baby. 10 and a half months after the first one. By accident. She was a mess. Megan was practically my baby for a while there. It will get better. I assume. I'm no help really. I just wanted to give you my support and a hug.

Coco said...

I'm putting this here because I don't want you to miss it in the other post.

Big Secret (that you have discovered for yourself): The first few weeks of motherhood are not all cake. In fact, most of the time, they suck. However, around two to three months, it all falls into place. Case in point: Philippe slept through the night (well, okay, he slept between midnight and six without waking up to eat) and is currently wiggling on my lap, smiling. AND? The second one is not actually that much harder, at least to me. I think you get used to all the sleep deprivation.

Oh, and just to make you feel a little better, Eric told me not to put it on my blog, so I won't, but he blew his lab up last night. Apparently welding and 45-gallon drums of methane don't mix well.

Good luck. It may not feel like it, but you are doing a great job.

BlindSlim~CSTL said...

That is cute and Coco ~ whoa, I'm glad he's alright, I can't imagine that was a comforting experience in anyway.

cq said...

thank you guys. i'm so glad i can be honest about it and not have people be all 'you don't even deserve a baby!'

but i am not surprised. you guys rock. :)