Friday, March 17, 2006

first night in the crib

wow... we had a pretty good night!

having the baby in her own room was a big stress-reliever for me. i had the baby monitor near me and on low volume, and i didn't worry nearly as much as usual that she would wake J up. so i even got to let her fuss and cry a little before i went to get her.

he got up a half hour early, of his own volition, and said he had the best night of sleep since she's been born. :) yay!

and i felt better beause i didn't have to tiptoe around to tend to her. and she didn't seem to give a shit that she was asleep somewhere else. like that should be surprising. she sleeps through everything. (in 2-3 hour increments, of course)


BlindSlim~CSTL said...

That's great to hear. I hope that it's as easy for us when our little one arrives. I spent the night at my best friends house and their 15month old is sleeping in bed already by herself. I was so surprised that they can lay her down with her bottle and she just curls up under the covers and goes to sleep. Of course then the 4 year old had to wake her up and much crying and fussing ensued so I rubbed her belly till she went back to sleep.

mm said...

Yay! That's great CQ! I'm sure this will make everyone happier all around.

Puffy said...

Oh, she'll "give a shit" in her diaper later on.

Monstah said...

Oh, I love reading all of this, I do!

Aislinn Sirk said...

*snort* at puffy

Emily RugBurn said...

Yay! Good news, cq! Very glad to hear things are going a little bit better for you since last I came around.

Oh, btw - I just want you to know how refreshing I find your honesty about how it *really* is with a new baby. Everyone I know feels the need to sugar-coat things, but I've never really heard anyone admit how difficult it is (and I know it's difficult for everyone).

Anyway - hope you guys're able to get some more rest in the coming weeks.
